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What is computer ?

What is "computer" ?

In this article we learn the what is the computer? and history of computer,the technology used in the real life in 19th century.Generation of the computer,it's blog provide the knowledge about the journey of computer world.

what is computer ?
 what is computer ?

Computer definition :

    a electronic device which is  capable to receive the data from particular user by electronic attached component and process on the task and calculate the data and give the response on their performed task is work completed by computer
    computer is build for calculation .its also called the calculation machine.
 computer is derived from  compute which is basically meaning is "calculate".

Full Form of COMPUTER :

C = Common
O = Operating 
M = Machine
P = Personally 
U = Used for
T = Technical 
E = Education
R = Research

History of computer : 

computer is electronic device that change the  our world and our regulation.
 in the 19th century the English mathematics professor " CHARLES BABBAGE ".
credit wikipedia
 Charles Babbage is the father of modern computer.he design the analytical engine and design basic framework.
  computer is changes as per there generation.



        first generation started  in  the year of the 1937.first computer built by Dr.John atanasoff an d Clifford berry.
they famous by atanasoff berry computer (ABC).
The next computer launch in 1943.their name as " colossus" specially built for military.
after  some year updated their next computer." The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC)". ENIAC was for the showing the dimension of rockets.This computer is weight is 30 tons. they had 1800 vacuum tubes.In year 1943 vacuum tubes used for the processor and used as an amplification. and vacuum tubes were used high voltage so there electricity problems were generated and there maintenance was high costly and gave more time.and in the latest version  of computers are using the nano transistor and semiconductors.
 atanasoff berry computer(ABC)

credit wikipedia

credit Wikipedia


                                                               Transistor replaced by the vacuum tubes,the transistor invented on 22 December 1947 at bell laboratories in Murray hill,New Jersey. Bell Labs is the research arm of American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T). The three individuals credited with the invention of the transistor were William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain.

In 1951 first commercially used computer for public that name is " UNIVERSAL AUTOMATIC COMPUTER (UNIVAC)I".
In 1953 invention of computer of INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINE (IBM)650 and 700 series.

ibm 650/credit wikipedia


                        In 1963 invented the integrated circuit, they were very smaller ,more powerful and more reliable computer and multitasking this all feature were change the generation of computer world.The first computer invented with integrated circuit(IC)by "IBM SYSTEM 360".
integrated circuit(ic)/credit wekiprdia

ibm 360 system /wikipedia

In 1976 APPLE launched the "apple-1".It was designed and hand-built by Steve Wozniak. Wozniak's friend Steve Jobs had the idea of selling the computer.
apple 1/wikipedia
apple 1 

In 1980 invention of the Microsoft Disk Operating System(MS-DOS).
ms dos /credit wikipedia
ms-dos operating system 

In 1981 IBM introduced the first personal computer (PC) this name was "IBM 5150" with MS-DOS operating system.this was one of the best and successful.
ibm 5150 pc
IBM 5150

In 1984 APPLE introduced the Macintosh.It is one of the best and successful in the computer history.

Before Launched Computer:

calculation means the mathematical determination  of the amount or number of something. calculation changes there stages.
invention of the technology for the calculation.

Abacus : 

       a device used for calculating consisting of frames with rows of wires. the disadvantage was calculate upto limited numbers.The abacus called the mathematical tool that was in use in Europe, China and Russia, centuries before the adoption of the written Hindu–Arabic numeral system.

Napier's Bones :

                We had used the identical rods for multiplication in the Napier's bones.
napiers bones
napier's bones

Slide Rule :

           a ruler with a sliding central strip, marked with logarithmic scales and used for making rapid calculations, especially multiplication and division.
The slide rule is a mechanical analog computer.
slide rule
slide rule

Tide-predicting machine :

                         The tide-predicting machine is a mechanical analog computer.This machine used predict the ebb and flow of sea tides and the irregular variations in their heights.
tide predicting machine/wikipedia
Tide predicting machine

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