Do you know Features of iOS 14 ? March 19, 2023 What's new in iOS 14 ? iOS 14 is the fourteenth major release of the iOS mobile operating system developed by Apple Inc. It was announc...Read More
You should know about 5G technology. March 18, 2023 What is 5g Technology 5G is the fifth generation of wireless communication technology that promises to offer faster data transfer speeds, ...Read More
Which is best Micro controller or Micro processor ? March 18, 2023 in this article we share the knowledge about micro controller or microprocessor & which is best and there uses and advantages as per ...Read More
How to recover permanently deleted files ? March 18, 2023 How to recover permanently deleted files in your window? Unfortunately, in most cases, it is not possible to recover permanently deleted...Read More
what is .apk file ? March 16, 2023 What Is an APK File? APK stands for Android Package( occasionally Android Package Kit or Android Application Package). It's the f...Read More
What is Chat GPT and Why Chat GPT ? March 16, 2023What is Chat GPT and Why Chat GPT ? Talk Generative Pre-Prepared Transformer known as the ChatGPT has taken the world to storm from the ...Read More
You should known this shortcut keys of keyboard. August 16, 2018 The QWERTY keyboard was invented by C.L.Sheol's . the name QWERTY comes from the first six letters in the top alphabet row of the keyb...Read More
Types of computer August 01, 2018 Types of computer In this article we learn about the types of the computer? and which is best for you? as per your requirement respecti...Read More
What is computer ? July 27, 2018 What is "computer" ? In this article we learn the what is the computer? and history of computer,the technology used in the r...Read More